Friday, May 29, 2009

First Practice...

"People do not decide to be extraordinary. They decide to accomplish extraordinary things." ~ Sir Edmund Hilary - the first person to reach the summit of Mount Everest.

Well, my first training session REALLY opened my eyes to this journey. I have always considered myself to be in pretty good shape, but I must not have realized that cardiovascular fitness is a completely different ballgame. Our first practice was at The Dad's Club where there is a 50 foot pool. After my first swim to the end and back, I overheard someone on the team say that the triathlon swim is equivalent to going to the end and back 15 times!!! I am now starting to worry if anyone has ever DROWNED in a triathlon... and if I am going to be the first!

Honestly, I got so very frustrated in the pool. I hate not being able to do what I am attempting... which is exactly why I am doing this tri. The MS150 was, by far, the most difficult thing I have ever done, but it was also the most inspiring and encouraging. The feelings and emotions overcame me as I thought I was on the verge of simply giving up my struggle, and then looking around me at all the MS survivors cheering us on as we rode through all the towns. My pain was only temporary, whereas theirs is not. And they never gave up their struggle and will fight to the end.

I know that the Nation's Triathlon will be just as amazing, as it is for such a great cause! I will have to continue to remind myself that if the person next to me can do it, so can I. And if those that are struggling with cancer every day can fight, so can I. So hopefully, this swimming business will get easier, cuz it is certainly no joke. This is going to be a HUGE challenge for me, but I am determined to do my best! All I want is to finish with a smile on my face! So wish me luck, cuz here we go!

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